Tagged: female masturbation

Where Has Taliah Mac Done It?

Have you ever masturbated in front of another person? Male or Female? How did it happen? On a statue, in a park. Become a part of the Yanks.com community now and learn more of...

Leilani Is A One-Shot Wonder

Do you always reach orgasm when you masturbate? Do you usually come more than once? Not always. No, I don’t cum more than once. Become a part of the Yanks.com community now and learn...

Does Tegan Mohr Go The Distance?

Do you always reach orgasm when you masturbate? Do you usually cum more than once? Yes, always. Never more than once unless I’m really trying. Become a part of the Yanks.com community now and...

Theresa Russell Is A Player

Have you been with a girl? When? How was it? What do you like about girls? Yes. 10 years ago when I worked at a gentlemen’s club in Michigan. We both worked it!!! And...

Harley Rhodes’ Story Time

Do you have any interesting or sexy stories having to do with you masturbating? I was pushed up against the glass on floor to ceiling windows in a down town hotel in a large...

Dixon Mason’s Awesome-sexual

Are you hetero-homo or bi-sexual? I like to say I’m “awesome-sexual”. Your gender identity doesn’t matter, as long as you’re awesome! Become a part of the Yanks.com community now and learn more of Dixon’s...