Yanks’s Top Hollywood Face Material
Have you ever met a girl that has THAT kind of face? The kind of face that just makes go DAAAAAMN? We can see you nodding there, that’s a good sign. It means your...
Have you ever met a girl that has THAT kind of face? The kind of face that just makes go DAAAAAMN? We can see you nodding there, that’s a good sign. It means your...
How did you discover masturbation and how old were you? I was 15 and horny as hell. So I started touching myself and totally came hard. I loved it. Become a part of the...
Have you ever used any sex toys? Oh gosh, so many! Toys are fun! They aren’t “better” than fingers, but they ARE different! So many different sensations! Become a part of the Yanks.com community...
How did you discover masturbation and how old were you? I was 10 years old and a girlfriend showed me how. Become a part of the Yanks.com community now and learn more of Amber’s...
Besides in your home where else have you made yourself cum? My favorite spot to grab a quick orgasm is in the car! But the naughtiest place was in class during a lecture! Become...
Do you like anal stimulation when you masturbate? Yes. I like pressure and vibration, not friction. Become a part of the Yanks.com community now and learn more of Jay’s sexy secrets!
Come on. Don’t be shy. Admit it. We all have that hunger for something more … mature, don’t we? We gotcha there mates ;)! Check out Yanks’ cougarsome foursome and get ready to have your...
YES! We confess! We’ve done it again! We couldn’t get you a top 10. Blame the dozen donuts order that made us think of such quantities. Anyway, you oughtta get yer perk on with...
What is your favorite sexual position? I have to be on top! Become a part of the Yanks.com community now and learn more of Olivia’s sexy secrets!
Boy, oh boy, oh boy! Do we have it in for you! Actually, these MetArt brunettes do! We feel like there’s nothing better than a classic. Driving a ’66 Impala is just like being mounted...